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National | 14 September, 2024

Zambali Bulasio Mukasa Opens Up About Things He Does in Conflict with His Religious Beliefs

NBS Television’s news anchor and emcee, Zambali Bulasio Mukasa, known for his ...

National | 13 September, 2024

Government Approves Five New Cities to Launch by 2025 in Uganda! All We Know So Far

The government has officially approved the creation of five new cities, with ope...

National | 6 September, 2024

Andrew Tate’s Endorsement of Journalist Simon Kaggwa Njala for Vice President Shocks Many

Controversial influencer and former kickboxer Andrew Tate has thrown his support...

National | 3 September, 2024

Bobi Wine Speaks Out After Being Shot: 'Another Attempt on My Life by the Museveni Regime!

Just a few Hours after the shocking incident in Bulindo where he as shot from, R...

National | 3 September, 2024

Bobi Wine Shot in the Leg During Political Activities in Bulindo, Total Chaos Erupts

Singer turned politician, the National Unity Platform (NUP) leader Bobi Wine is ...

National | 2 September, 2024

"I Want to Run for Mityana Woman MP Seat"- Singer Vivian Tendo Reveals

Singer Vivian Tendo has finally announced her ambitions to join the world of pol...

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